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Why To Choose A Hired Car To Take You To The Airport Instead Of An App Ride Service

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Ride app services like Uber and Lyft are all the rage these days, but they come with some significant downsides. If you're heading to the airport and need a lift to get there and back again, you should take some time to consider these problems before relying on one of these apps. Here's why hiring a driver to take you to the airport is a better idea.


Ride app services rely upon freelance drivers to pick up their customers. As a result, the availability of the rides is entirely dependent upon whether any drivers are available to pick you up.

If you have a flight that leaves very late or very early, there many not be any drivers in your area at that time. In addition, if you're not in an urban or suburban area, there may not be any drivers available for you at all.

Hired cars can be reserved for specific times to come pick you up. You never need to worry about whether or not you'll actually be able to get to the airport on the day of your flight.


In addition to a simple lack of drivers, there are other problems to consider cost-wise. When you leave or come back, you could be subject to surge pricing. Surge pricing typically goes into effect when drivers are in high demand, which could either be the case if you don't have many drivers nearby, or more likely, it will hit you when you come home. Getting a ride from one of these apps is often very expensive on your way back from the airport, because many people are trying to use them at the same time in the same place.

In comparison, most hired cars offer a flat fee based on where you're heading. It's usually based on miles driven, so you don't need to worry about being charged an outrageous sum.

No Shortage

Remember how surge pricing could hit you during your attempt to come home from the airport? Well, that's all assuming you can get a ride at all.

There's always a steady stream of people coming and going from airports, which means that ride apps are in extreme demand. While you will most likely eventually be able to get a car by queuing up in the app, you could have to wait quite a while at the airport before your ride becomes available.

In comparison, your hired car will come to pick you up whenever you choose. If your flight is delayed, most hired cars will keep an eye on your flight tracker and adjust accordingly, so you don't even need to worry about that.

Getting a hired car with a company like PEACE LIMOUSINE & CAR SERVICE is the easiest and most affordable way to go to the airport and to come home again. Don't bother with ride apps and go straight to the best way to do it by hiring a driver.
