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Six Mistakes That Increase The Chances Of Injury When A Dump Truck Is In Use

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A dump truck is an important piece of equipment on many work sites. If you use a dump truck for work tasks, it's important to take precautions to ensure safety during dump truck operation.

The following are mistakes you should avoid on your site. These mistakes could increase the chances of injury when a dump truck is in use. 

Allowing a staff member to operate a dump truck without adequate training

Training is an important part of operating a dump truck safely. Make sure that you've set out some training requirements for your dump truck operators. Even if you're short-staffed, you shouldn't let yourself be tempted to allow a staff member to operate a dump truck before they go through all the necessary training. 

Going too fast when backing up

Dump truck operators need to be especially careful when they are backing up a dump truck. The dump truck's load can block visibility toward the rear. Even when you are pressed to increase productivity, dump truck operators should take their time when driving a dump truck in reverse to ensure safety and prevent accidents. 

Neglecting to check tire pressure frequently 

Low tire pressure increases the chances that a dump truck will cause accidents on a work site. That's why it's important to check your tire pressure on a daily basis. If the tire pressure is too low, the dump truck can sit unevenly so that stability is compromised. This increases the chances of accidents where the dump truck tips over. 

Failing to wear PPE when necessary

Those working on a site with a dump truck should wear PPE equipment, including hard hats, steel-toe boots, and eye protection. Make sure that PPE has been distributed to all of your staff when dump truck work is taking place. 

Attempting to dump a load on an uneven surface

One of the most important things dump truck operators need to remember is never to empty a dump truck bed on uneven ground. If operators attempt to unload on ground that's not level, they put the dump truck at risk of getting off balance and tipping over. 

Dumping too close to other obstacles or vehicles

When a dump truck is being used, it's important to designate a dump area for emptying loads. Obstacles and other vehicles should be kept well away from the dump area. Dumping near other vehicles causes safety hazards and also increases the chances of work site equipment becoming damaged. 

To learn more, contact a resource like Hoelscher Bobby Trucking Inc.
